Just to catch everyone up on my videogame stuff: FROM HERE ON STUFF MIGHT BE SPOILERS!
FFXIII I'm on the Palmecia. I can't beat Barthandelus
FFVII I'm near the beginning at the Shinra HQ. I just fought the roof battle with Rufus
FFVI I can't seem to remember. I know that I have joined with the Prince.I left South Figaro. I think I'm going through the mountains.
FFVII Crisis Core I am in the Bathhouse. I can't beat Angeal Pentance Hes just too hard.
Aaaand, thats it for what I'm playing. What I WANT to buy:
Skyrim: Too costly
Stacking: Dunno if it really is good.
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Ultimate: My friend REALLY wants me to get it.