In Tejas (texas yall) we have had 5 snow days in a row! :O I know right?
So I spen the rest of the week playing kh 1 and I finally beat it!
Don't tell anyone but, I cried in the end.
All I have to do now is beat 385/2, Chain of Memories, and BBs.
I will have the full kh collection some day!
So now since I have nothing more to say I shall advertise. D: I know, right?
My friend Ashly made a new online game on or something. :P
She wants me to get som people to play her game. So if you want to (please at least check it out) you can install something Called "Hamachi" (google it) and then got to and she will instruct you. AS of RIGHT NOW we are enlisting in Mods OR players. :D
THATS all folks!
Now about my kitteh:
Name: Alice
Gender: guess. (Female!)
She got bigger VERY quickly and now we refer to her as Tub O lard. xD
I can bring you guys a before and After picture of a few weeks time.
I'm glad we still have evaded the "get bored and don't wanna feed animal/pet" phase. I'm always keeping that in my mind. I'm gonna buy Fianl Fantasy 13 and I"m buying a guide book for 5$ to look at the pics. (For real)
Thats al I can think about so