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ashcroft_123 Blog

Kingdom Hearts III

After watching this

I'm starting to think that Kingdom Hearts might actually equal or even exceed Final Fantasy's popularity, in my opinion they are both great franchises and I hope they both evolve and get better.

Too bad we'll have to wait a fair bit before getting this...:D(patience is a virtue of which I have very little):D

Happy Martisor

Tomorrow is the 1st of march so:
believe me it's easier than me explaining the tradition. Happy Mărţişor!!!:D

Back to school

The second semester has started and everything's been crazy I don't even have time to play games anymore. Okami, Twilight Princess, FF III and soon FF VI Advance are all waiting for me to either finish or at least start doesn't anyone want to switch places?:D Or at least come and take my math teacher, she makes the tenth grade a lot harder than it realy should:( I'll pay you :D but then I'd have you on my conscience:)
Maybe I'll survive but I'm not that sure:?
Um.... Help!!!

Happy New Year!!!

There's less than 6 hours left until 2006 ends and 2007 begins, hopefully it'll be a better year with more peace on earth and all that stuff:D and let's hope a lot more high quality games(FF XIII, Crisis Core, Okami for us europeans, Rogue Galaxy, Phantom Hourglass, etc.) Let's hope it'll be a great year for us gamers. Once again Happy New Year, guys and gals, I'm off to the party!!!!!!!

So sad

:cry:just saw the ending for Xenosaga Ep. III Also Sprach Zarthustra and I'm so sad I can't even tell you why did it have to end like thata why? Because of this I've been very down and I'll have to postpone my holiday plans a bit and it was such a nice holiday too:cry:

Plans for the holiday

Maybe now that I'm on holiday for about a three months or so (God bless summer) I can start updating my profile page and maybe review some (okay a lot) of games that I've been meaning to for a long time I guess we'll have to wait and see.

My first friend on Gamespot

Yay!!! Someone added me to their friend list ( although I don't really know what that implies I'm happy anyway:D ) I added them too, btw. My very first friend here on gamespot *drumroll*  Warfust

My first post, wow!

Well let's see what should i write about? How about how I still don't understand, even after all this time, what's happening in the gaming world. Everything that was going to be released early is getting delayed and everything else is coming out later this year:cry: