main reason......i did not want to pay 60 bucks for online gaming
assassinasian's forum posts
cod 4: not that many campers, no quitters!!!, excellent mp, solid campaign
mw 2: a lot of campers, quitters, slight improvement in mp, no good servers, solid campaign
mostly SD because my ps3 is in my room...sometimes i would play on an HD monitor in the fam room but I hate having to keep moving my ps3. Planning to get an HDTV for my room anyways probably this holiday season
I was playing some searh and destroy today and when I was spectating someone on my team I see him flying on top of buildings and I was like What The????
- more weapons
- NO vehicles
- longer story
- more perks
- coop mode where you have different classes like in R2
- more maps
cod 4 was to sickk....... Just change up a couple things like:
new weapons, a couple new perks, new maps, absolutely NO vehicles which ruined the fun in cod:waw, add a co-opperative mode online and offline with a class feature likke in Resistance 2 and probably something like nazi zombies.
amd cod: MW2 will be sikk
unless I missed something...
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