im only 15 but i really want a kid beucase its just like the coolest thing ever. I want to teach him/her things my parents never thought me and things that are goona help them, i wanna make them someone to be rememberd!! why cant i have a kid now!, i think i wanna start baby sitting kids, do any of you like kids as much as i do?tarunramesh
You are talking about it like its so easy to raise a child,You are just talking nonsense,help yourself,first!!!
Me and my friend were arguing this the other day and we almost came to blows (ok, not really). He said she's not, but to me she fits the description of a punk rocker. She dresses punk, her music has some anti-establishment themes to it, she skates, and has said many times she hates being classified as pop, so even if you don't like it, she's punk. She may not be as hardcore as black flag, but she's punk nonetheless.
If you think that she's punk then you are insulting many punks like me.She just dresses like a punk but her music category is nothing but a teeny emo.By shaking their head and screaming,nobody can call themselves punk because she just does that to get attention from her fans.
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