I started my gaming life at an awkward time, I guess, because most of the series I'm about to mention started just before me, and I seemed to join in right in the middle of it all! -Final Fantasy VII: Second game I bought on PS, I was young, got it as a total fluke. This is cool because I can honestly say I know a better final fantasy than the X, and because I know what the hell is going on in Advent Children! -Gran Turismo 2: Because I can drive a car like it was meant to drive, in simulation, not arcade, take that Burnout fans! Also, this was the first Gran Turismo I owned, and I was very proud of it. -Grand Theft Auto II, III and San Andreas: The III is cool for being such a revolution, and SA because people think its cool. The II is cool because I know what GTA was like before the III, oh man, they don't deserve the same title! -Resident Evil 2: First game I rented, back when I was still scared of the zombies! I felt so tough for renting this at my age, Tomb Raider was for sissies (my friends were playing tomb raider). Then I went on and bought the 3, oh ya, I know who Nemesis is! -Devil may Cry 1,2 & 3: I REALLY don't think I need to explain why the first is so cool, DANTE baby! The second because I played it, made my own opinion about how bad it was (I actually kinda liked it!), and the third because I think having beaten the harder american version makes me cool. **Special Entry: Epidemic: This was the first game I bought on Play Station. I was very young, and I bought it because there was a cool looking robot on the cover... I never went on to make the same mistake again. Kids; don't judge a game by its cover! This is cool because 99.9% of gamers probably don't know what this game is!
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