Here Are my top 5 favorite weapons in gaming of all time! Sorry, Fawkes, you don't count as a weapon. ):
NUMBER 5: FAL - Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
What's not to love? It has balanced power, above average ammo capacity(unless you get the co-op upgrade) and excellent accuracy(another upgradable). My only problem is that it is a burst fire weapon so it's not very good for close quarters combat.
NUMBER 4: Star - Super Mario Brothers
If a mushroom with the abilities of steroids and a flower the lets you spit/throw (never got that) fireballs wasn't good enough for you, the star will send you right into a state of mind where power and speed are the only two things that matter. However, the only bad thing is you get much more speed without holding the pesky B button down, so it's difficult to control where your gonna go next.
NUMBER 3: The Scatter Gun - Contra
Back in the 80's, you couldn't get the Internet because it wasn't around yet. So you would have a hard time getting cheats like the infamous Konami code. In Contra, the konami code would give you 30 lives, in a game so difficult, it is considered the sex of Contra. But if you couldn't get your hands on this code, there is another way to win... THE SCATTER GUN! It will save your ass countless times in many ways. What's not to love? How rare it is!
NUMBER 2: Gravity Hammer - Halo 3
Sure Halo 3 was a big letdown (well for me.) By the way, all Halo nerds, I touched a doorknob so don't start flaming me. But there were some upsides to it. Like the multiplayer, which now is pretty dead considering all the teabaggers and 5-year old douchebags. It has a lot of awesome weapons, but one rules them all. THE GRAVITY HAMMER!!! Very effective both in campaign and multiplayer, the hammer is awesome! Unlike the energy sword, it works from a distance, just not as powerful. This weapon gives the game a whole new expierience.
Number 1! - Farsight XR-20 - Perfect Dark
If you have ever seen Predator, you will love this weapon. If you are playing a deathmatch with your friends or some bots, and you see this, GRAB IT! It make look like a light blue sniper rifle thing, but it is an awesome death trap for your victims. More than the Laptop Gun's Sentry mode! It has a rail-gun effect, and the target detector. It has a scope thatGOES THROUGH WALLS WITH NO LIMITS! Now I can imagine this getting annoying, but luckily, it's hard to find. So it won't become too much of an annoyance. The scope works like Heat Seeking vision, X-ray vision, a night vision all combined into one godlike scope. This rifle is truly worthy of number 1 or any top 5 list of weapons in gaming.
Thanks for Reading! :D