11. Alias

Well Alias was a great show for the first 3 years, i still quite enjoyed season 4 but i didn't like it as much, as for season 5, eh well it was pretty damn boring, 2 great characters left and too many random new characters.
Best Season: Season 2, i loved the whole Francie double thing
Best Character: Sloane, he was so evil and it was so obvious
Best Episode: Phase One, a beatiful episode, it completly turns the whole show upside down, SD-6 is gone and Francie is dead and an imposter is taking her place.
11. Scrubs

Well scrubs was really a great show up till and inclusing season 4, i found that season 5 began to bore me with the same jokes used over and over eg. floating head docter and Dr. Acula
Best Season: 3, i really enjoyed season 3, i found it to be the funniest and cleverest season.
Best Character: Janitor, the janitior is great, he is the one of the only funny things about the new season and he has been funny the whole time.
Best Episode: His Story, i found it a relief not to hear JD's voice the whole episode and it is also very funny that Eliott is freaked out about dating a murse (male nurse).
Please tell me what you think.