Well I noticed it had been a little while since I blogged
So what is new with me... LOTS
Including quitting my job.... FINALLY
So TV will be orgasmic this season if the freakin SAG makes a deal and we can avoid a 2nd strike, after watching like every trailer for Heroes season 3 like 50 times I think it's fair to say it looks soooo good, Lost season 4 was REALLY good, so I'm looking forward to the final seasons....
Well cause I live in Sydney I have been going through hell cause of World Youth Day.... there are soooooo many people here, especially in my suburb, I went to the city last night and it was CRAZY... so yer
I want to do some polls cause I love em :D
Hopfully at least 1 person votes
So Um...
Hottest Buffyverse Actor and Actress:
Best show of the 07 - 08 season:
Best guilty pleasure:
Best cancelled show:
Sorry about this blog, not so great but anyway... VOTE
I got tagged like a month ago, but I CBF so Ill just link my tag video on youtube