lol yes i saw you can buy them but i was hoping i could play vs. cpu for them but doesnt look like it...oh well, thanks!
atg6cof's forum posts
Anyone.....Is online play the only way to get coins?
Ok so I just got Madden and I want to play Ultimate Team, is the only way to get coins via online play w/ my ultimate team? I know I can buy them also but I will not do it that. I played the CPU and got no coins. Can I get coins just by playing in franchise? I hate playing online bc ppl can be annoying hah, any help would begreat thanks.
Ok so I just got Madden and I want to play Ultimate Team, is the only way to get coins via online play w/ my ultimate team? I know I can buy them also but I will not do it that. I played the CPU and got no coins. Can I get coins just by playing in franchise? I hate playing online bc ppl can be annoying hah, any help would begreat thanks.
So at the Rtts menu under gameplay/settings you can change whatever you want for example i changed hitting to rookie, now i saved that and then played a game, once in the game i noticed i could still use th epowerswing which means that the settings didnt change, I wnet into gameplay ( still in that game) and they were set to veteran. After the game at the main menu the settings were still set to what's the purpose of having it in 2 different spots and tehy dont affect eachother...any help with this?
So i'm wondering if anyone just sims through AA and or AAA, and if so does effect our career stats or do they start when u hit the majors. thanks
Does anyone else have a problem with this not being multiplayer? There was apparently some early confusion on calling this an MMO by some
I bought it with 3 other friends and we assumed it would be multi, and apparently we should read up on things more what a let down and bad decision. I've read numerous things about Bioware putting out great games then not following up with the promised DLC etc, just seems like a quick release.
I'm having a terrible time deciding if I want this on PS3 so I can sit comfortabl;y and play or fire up the old EQ/WoW PC and warm up that black chair again....
Everytime I play Sacred 2 on PS3 I wish it were on my PC, it jsut looks to cluttered on console, even on a big screen it's tough to read.
Wondering if anyone has played the 2 versions and has any info that would shed some light on my decision. Thanks
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