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it is now 4:41 in the morning

dude,really, it is :lol: and I have no idea why the he11 I am still up so f*cking late :| oh yeah, I remember, I was reading crack-fics and dying of laughter :D I have dozens of quotes I would love to share with you, but if I did you would find out my fav pairs, and thats for a later contest :lol:

especially since I've gotten shipping fever with Bleach, and I swore when I started reading I would stick to the actual story and not give a damm about pairings. rofl, FAILED :lol:

Guess my OTP (one true pair) in Bleach an win something, like a cookie, or a request for a vid, drawing, wallpaper, etc.

and now its 4:53 and my blog is super short cuz I got up to get a drink and forgot everything else

crrap :|


need sleep kthanxbai