yup, just sitting here blogging, typing, messin with my computer, nothing special, EXPECT IM DOIN IT ON MAH NEW LAPTOP!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
Its pretty decent , it was really easy to set it and the wireless router up, now commencing the transfer of all my crap to this computer!! it shall take forever :| cuz I don't have to right stuff to do it atoumatically :lol: its kinda hard to use this thing without a mouse T.T things keep getting stuck to the pointer on the screen, and it'll select random things for (seemingly) no reason :lol:
Everything looks so different!! I must've hade weird color setting cuz things look nicer on here and more like they should, its nice :D
-crosses fingers- I hope it continues to work great , because I am going to keep this thing till it blows up:lol:
oh, and for those that remember, This computer has Firewire ports!!!!!!!!!YAYS!!!!
NOT :| it turns out these 4 firewire ports are to big for my stupid little cord :| oh joy:lol: