I fail with keeping up appearances , I really do :|
Not my fault XD
I got Persona 3 , it is the best game ever made :D I haven't been able to pry myself away from it since I got it, 4 days (including today) at 26 hrs 32mins (not counting resets X3 ) thats a little less than 7 hrs a day :lol: omg I have no life T.T :P I see most people have left/or stopped blogging anyways, of course they have the valid reason of school :lol: not me
I really need to work on my cosplay for Halloween, I wanted to do Rangiku, but I don't have the lt badge, and my stupid dark hair refuses to be lightened T.T how many times can you dye your hair in a week before it startrs getting damaged? :P I am probably going to be Momo again , I don't like her anymore, so I'll just say I'm Saito Kumiko in costume :D :D no one will be the wiser XP
I find you guys later XD