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I'm back,for awhile.......

This year I'm sure to be busy with school.My schedule are so tight and when there is free time,I will use them to mostly sleep. Everyday we even had extra class and going back home still need to attend tuition.And then there are homeworks....there are just too many things to do. Hopefully this nightmare will end soon and I can go back to blogging as usual like last time. :)

Satisfying result in exam

The exam that I prepared for 3 years has finished last October and today I got the result.

Bahasa Malaysia(Country's language) - A

English - A

Mathematics - A

Science - A

History - B

Geography - B

Ahh,I don't know how to translate this 1(KH) - C

Well,I stink in History,Geo and the KH.But,I don't have to care a lot next year cuz Geo and KH is gone...but still got the dang History.

And also,I cleared my friendlist in Gamespot.Its time to clear those unactive ones.So,I hope I don't cut out anybody active :).

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

I wishing everyone here in Gamespot a joyful Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year just incase I forgot.Might got lots of things to at New Year's Eve :D.Oh ya,I even forgot I already leveled up.Now I'm level 25 which is Defias Brotherhood :D.Now,don't just stare on your computer.Go out and have fun. ;)

Anyone making banner/avatar?

I don't have the program of making the banner or avatar (etc. photoshop).If anyone is making banner/avatar,I'm just looking for either Assasin's Creed or Call of Duty 4.Its really time to change my profile.Gears Of Wars was last year.....time pass fast. So,I really hope someone is on a banner/avatar making job.Thanks ;).

12 days to X'mas!! and...

I watched Enchanted Monday and its really a funny movie.The movie is just about 2 hours and I love it when Prince Edward keep calling people at NYC peasants :lol:.

And,times sure pass quick.It just feels like awhile and 2007 is about to end and welcoming 2008.Well,its just 12 days countdown to X'mas.And since my family don't celebrate X'mas at home,I might go to the mall with my friends to enjoy,maybe I need to buy a Christmas hat too :D.And I think I will have my exams results maybe before X'mas.So,I hope to quickly get my result..hopefully with flying colours and I can grab myself a new handphone :D.

Bought a new LCD monitor

My old monitor broke last week and I got a new one last Sunday which is 2 days ago.The screen produce much better view then my old monitor except I haven't remove the stickers at the monitor :P.I'm gonna get COD4 soon once I have $$ and I have problems playing Gears Of War.Everytime I play halfway the game sure crash and its so irritating.I'm gonna try reinstalling it again and play again today.

Lets see,29 days to X'mas?

Its still like a month to come...the MOSTLY favourite celebration of most of the Gamespot members,Christmas :).I went to the mall today and most of them already decorated with Christmas looks awesome.Tomorrow I will go to the mall again to watch Hitman maybe,since my friend didn't found out the time-table of the movie yet.

Today my dad bought for me a dual alarm-clock+radio[Sony] .It works out great and cost RM139 which is about $42. And tomorrow,I might get Gears Of War for PC.Time to test out this awesome game but I didn't know the actual space required to install it.Gamespot wrote it is 12GB but so do the same like Crysis which they said is 21GB but eventually just a rumour.


Happy b'day 4 myself....yesterday

Yesterday was the day I turn 15 years old.This would be the worst b'day I ever had cuz its the 1st time I fall sick on my birthday :(. I had dinner at Sunday at one of my favourite chinese restaurant.My family just ordered the usual food we always eat.It all went well till I woke up at Monday,I fell stomachache and then at afternoon I got a fever.I went to see the doctor and said I might had food-poisoning.Even my brother got fever and stomachache as I do.I just ate a piece cake yesterday as I feel better but still no mood to eat things yet.But,its better celebrating my b'day without lying on the bed whole day.

I Feel Asleep[lvl.24]

+ Another level and now is level 24.I haven't been so active in Gamespot cuz its 1 and a half month holiday and I will try to get most of my time at my bed after a year of tiring school.