atlessky / Member

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A level up and a great game for PC

I level up again to level 23.That was few days ago but quite busy studying that time.And also,World In Conflict a rating of 9.5 for PC. Playing the demo really won't be so fun then the full game.Besides,I'm a rookie in that game anyway :P.Don't always score so high in each games.

There is also Enemy Territory:Quake Wars.I don't think I gonna buy this game.Really made me confuse with the control between this game and Battlefield 2142.Certainly,FPS is still my favourite currently.Some news about my PS2,I broke one of my controller and gotta use the other one which I don't usually use.I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus few days ago and I kill the #9 colossus of the game.I just got bored with the game and just decided to get the ending at Youtube.So,the ending totally made me **** up.Ain't gonna continue this game any longer.

Last of all,I have an IMPORTANT exam of the year coming in about.....a week and a half.There are 7 subject and if I get 7A's for the exam,totally I could be guarantee a new handphone or PSP.About next-gen console,I just waiting the price to go low low low.Once it is low at my level,I'm gonna 'snatch' one.