My school already announce that our trial exam is at 13th August.Well,we all take our time studying since there is stil atleast 2 weeks time.But,this week coming to school...something just made me sick!!!The education ministry just announce that this Friday there will be an exam on Geography ONLY.Darn it,saying there is 2 more weeks,they suddenly say its this Friday and I only read a few chapters!!!
This just makes me more anti-Malaysia now.Our prime minister doesn't have brain,our government doesn't have brain,the leader of the country known as Agong can't even do a thing cause he only serve 5 years for the country and he's so dang old. I would still prefer our Malaysia former PM,our current PM sucks.Already more then 50 or 60 years old(I don't know),wife pass away,go and marry another one after a year.He's gonna make this country might as well act anti- to him.
Haven't post so much lately cuz I'm busy with Battlefield 2142.MY hardwork does pay off and now on my way to the 2142 Hall of Fame.Thats all for now,now continue shooting at 2142.