At last Saturday...I follow my cadet and go to a campfire at a quite nearby place call Berapit.The campfire is in the Berapit High School.Firstly,all of us are happy cuz its been a year since our last campfire.(Skip,skip,skip) ok,then we find the place reserve for us. Then we just sitdown and so do I.Then,I do some talking with my friends and then looking around and to my right...there is a wooden writes *** ****.I was quite shock with that...;..the students there really no discipline...including my school also la but we do at toilet so nobody can see.(I didn't do anything)
Then,I look around the school thinking how big it is.....then I saw a factory JUST right beside the school.And ****,it releases black smoke every minute I look at it....the air there is totally polluted I think..really can't study there.Then,some of us wanna go to toilet..we call up people and we 8 person ask permission from our 'boss' to get to the toilet.Even the toilet sucks like ****....rubbish around...the toilet bowl is all stuck(totally no place for people to **** if got stomachache)...worst of all,it smells like....inside a dustbin full of s***.Then,the whole day for about.....9 hours...I just went to the toilet once...just ONCE....Then about the black smoke thing,can't see it at night so we just continue our party.
Conclusion is the school sucks like h**l....the campfire rocks like paradise!!!!!:D:D:D