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atmmachine11 Blog


Final Fantasy 6 - SNES

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - GBA

Earthbound - SNES

Earthbound Zero - GBA

Chrono Trigger - SNES

Secret of Mana - SNES

Breath of Fire 1 - GBA

Breath of Fire 2 - GBA

Golden Sun - GBA

Golden Sun 2 The Lost Age - GBA

Fire Emblem - GBA

Fire Emblem Sacred Stones - GBA

Fire Emblem Sealed Sword - GBA

Advance Wars 1 - GBA

Advance Wars 2 - GBA

My favorite rpgs

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My favorite rpgs are probably mainly just the ones I have actually managed to beat, since beating an rpg is a huge task for me, due to my lack of attention-keeping.

Top 20 games of all time

I have decided to write this little blog here showing off my top 20 favorite games of all time. Well lets start it off at number 20. Please take note this is personal and not based on anything other than my personal opinion. These are my top 20 favorite games, no one elses. So if I don't include skyrim or some other massive popular game you know why. I may add explanations later but for now Im just showing off the games themselves. Take note most of these are not in any order, Mother 3 is in fact my all time favorite game though.

20. Fable 2, and 3. (I honestly love these games a lot more than other people do.


19. Megaman (1-10, Megaman and Bass andddd Megaman x1-3)


18. Age of empires II


17. Halo 2 and 3 (tie)


16. Minecraft ( I had to include it )


15. Super smash bros (series)


14. The Orange Box (Haha 5 games in one :D)


13.Pokemon Sapphire, Fire red, Diamond, Black and Crystal.


12.Cave Story


11.The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Windwaker, and Minish Cap, (ocarina of time is nostalgic for me, but overated.)


10.Donkey Kong Country (1 and 2)


9.The Binding of Isaac


8.Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super mario bros 3, New super mario bros wii, super mario 64, New super mario bros, Super mario Rpg, Super mario world. (Yes all tied)


7. Left 4 Dead 2


6. Garrys Mod


5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


4. Marvel Vs Capcom 2

marvel vs capcom 2

3. Final Fantasy VI

final fantasy 6

2. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, and bowsers inside story. (tied)

mario and luigi

1. Mother 3/Earthbound 2

Mother 3

Playin Cave Story

At the momet all I have been playing is cavestory...Addicting fun game for the whole family...actually its just for you but still its quite fun..It is a freeware game, which you can pick up here:

But you can also buy the wiiware version on your wii with wii points, it comes with 2 characters instead of one, and has some special edits, and modes and stuff.


Online MMO?

:shock: Whyyyyyy? Why is there no good online mmo with no download that I could play on Linux? Whyyyyy?

I wish i could find one...

Rockin on the cube!

Well, I havent had any luck in getting any new games lately so Ive been useing the older systems. :D Ive used my cube latley, played a awesome rpg: Tales of Symphonia. And a really messed up game which I dont understand: Animal Crossing. Other then that the newest game ive gotten were in April...I know Yikes! In april i got Glory of Hercules, and Wario ware D.I.Y, but April is long gone so im hopeing to play some new games soon.