I'm unaware of them ever saying any game looked better on the XB1 ... maybe Evolve, but then they also gave the XB1 version of that game the win too. In most cases the PS4 wins because of higher resolution and equal performance (this myth that multiplats perform better on the XB1 is just that, a myth). In most cases frame rate hitches are indiscernible, but we're talking single-digit and even 0fps here; that's pretty glaring, so obviously the version that performs that abysmally will be called out. Personally, while I haven't gotten to Diamond City, I still haven't had a single noticeable issue on the PS4 version, so I'm inclined to call bull on some of the videos floating around.
Digital Foundry did nothing but recommend the 360 version of multiplats last gen due to similar differences you're witnessing between the PS4 and XB1 now. They're hardly biased.
as usual, outside of Dragon Age Origins i didn't see any differences in these comparisons that were beyond marginal, and even then nothing that can be used as evidence that one "looks better" than the other. a lot of the 360 shots look darker than their PS3 counterparts. on the one hand this lends a more gritty and believable look to the environments, but on the other it tends to hide certain details (particularly in the Batman shots), which isn't the case with the PS3 shots. that's going by THESE particular PS3 shots though, which look washed-out here. i know from first hand experience this isn't the case with MW2 and Batman, both of which i've played on my set with full range RGB and super white and don't look washed-out at all.
well, the only major differences i noticed were in Rainbow Six 2 and NfS Prostreet. otherwise in each comparison the difference was negligible. as a matter of fact (and i'm sure i'll get tons of disagreements for this) i thought Half Life 2 looked a hair better on the PS3 than the 360. either way i have both Assassin's Creed and GTA IV on my PS3, and neither game looks as washed out on my tv as they do in these screen comparisons. maybe thats because i just have a SDTV, i dunno. still, to me these comparisons are moot. the true quality of a system should be determined in its exclusives. this time last year 360 had it all over PS3. now, the 360 still offers better exclusives, but not by nearly as wide a margin. late this year into this time next year, it'll probably be dead even or a slight edge to PS3.
meh. as the 360's premier title i thought Bungie would've went all out for Halo 3's graphics. this game should've looked at least as good as GOW. it definately looks better than Halo 2, but it doesn't look like anything Bungie couldn't have squeezed out of the original XBox given time. but as always its about gameplay most, and in that catagory Halo has never failed.
i think thats the point with the PS3 thk123. its the all-inclusive package. Second Life is free, people don't have HDTV's yet, and haven't any need for Blu-ray or HDMI, and wireless internet is only a marginal deal. right now thats a lot of what most people probably don't need, for $600. however, since the launch of the PS3 Blu-ray has outsold HD-DVD (and is the favored to win), and (as with most new technology) people will start buying HDTV's, meaning that while Blu-ray, HDMI and Blu-ray are meaningless now, in the near future they won't be. and thats the angle Sony seems to have gone for with the PS3; longevity. i do agree with you about Ken though. that dude is extremely arrogant, and is probably chiefly responsible for PS3's current plight. game consoles win on games alone, not ingenious hardware designs. Stringer's best move since his inception at Sony was removing Ken from the helm. now, hopefully Phil and Kaz can salvage whats left of the Playstation brand legacy.
people complain about there being no exclusive games for the PS3 this year, but when you list the games, then they don't like them. if thats the case then this all comes down to preference, which means the PS3 really isn't the game-lacking pos gamespot's making it out to be. sure, 360 has Alan Wake, Halo 3, Bioshock and Mass Effect; but the PS3 has DMC4, White Knight Story, FFXIII, Uncharted, MGS4, Lair, Heavenly Sword, LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet and Clank 5 etc, thats at least five new IP's and four sequels to system sellers. good games were rare for PS3 at launch, and have tried to pick-up since (VF5 and Motorstorm now; Oblivion and AC4 within the next week). but its one-year future looks no more bleak than 360 one-year after launch.
wup, someone attacks their precious system and the fanboys start with the personal insults. such as Luck, who seems to have put aside the fact that most 360 owners played Russian Roulette when they turned on their systems...will it be a green ring of joy, or the death-ray red one? dude, if you honestly think the 360's launch was good, then i feel sorry for you...and your taste in games. i'll give you CoD2, and maybe, MAYBE Kameo. nothing besides was worthwhile, which makes it akin to the PS3's Resistance, and maybe, MAYBE NBA 08. the point being is that neither system had a steller launch. 360 has had a year to make things right (and to some extent they have succeeded, with GRAW, Oblivion and GOW). all i'm saying is that PS3 should have the same chance. they seem to be trying to turn things around (with Home and LittleBigPlanet), and they do have some major exclusives (DMC4, Heavenly Sword, MGS4, White Knight Story, Lair to name a few). gamespot should give it a chance, just like they did the 360. if you're the unbiased gamer you profess to be, then you should at the very least agree with that.
GunGriffin, i'm not saying that the PS3 was perfect at launch, but Microsoft hardly took its time or did homework with the 360, as is evidenced by the fact that they keep releasing "add-on's" that aren't "necessary to buy", but make the 360 much more appealing in the face of the superior-equipped PS3, such as an HD-DVD, wireless internet and HDMI (which has been rumored in the newly redesigned Zephyr, the 360 done right) to name a few. and my sympathy goes out to those poor souls who opted for the Core 360...they'll eventually have to buy a whole hard drive, and maybe even a wireless controller. aside from a decent selection of games (and lets be fair, the 360's launch games were just as atrocious) the things Sony botched at the PS3's launch were miniscule things that could (are are being) fixed with updates. again, not saying that the PS3 was flawless; but lets be fair, the 360 was just as botched. it would've been half-way decent if gamespot would've pointed that out too, instead of trying to negate the sudden burst of positive vibe the PS3's gotten from Home with some bogus complaints about hardware malfunctions (which is completely fabricated with the PS3, but all too true for millions of 360's that have given its customers the Red-Ring-of-Doom) and menu selections
if there's any one thing Home has done for the PS3 its give the system some much needed positive momentum. what this article is doing is trying to undercut that momentum. whats worse, some of the complaints are absolutely rubbish (for starters, Sony hasn't had nearly as bad a time with faulty PS3's as Microsoft had--and is still having--with the 360). shame on you gamespot.
some of the complaints and suggestions were warranted. but others just sound like biased bashing on the most obscure level. "First, the company should ensure that hardware failures cause its users a minimum of inconvenience" one of the editors said. WHAT!?! honest to god, i haven't heard of anyone having any problem with their PS3's since launch, unlike the red-ring-of-death 360, which has caused Microsoft to go so far as to extend warranties to one year. i didn't really understand the complaint about Blu-ray either. the editor says that Sony needs to provide more support for Blu-ray in the PS3 (as if the mere inclusion of Blu-ray wasn't enough), but then he complains that it isn't catching on as quickly as DVD did. it just seems like this whole article was done as a sort of negative response to Home--gamespot couldn't just come out and say that Home wasn't interesting (because nothing could be further from the truth), so intead they come up with all these half-meaningless, nitpicking complaints
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