atron62 / Member

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Playstaion 3 vs. Xbox 360

In my own opinion i do not think that ps3 is goin to be as great as every1 thinks it is.  Most of the games look amazing in the graphics department ut thats all there is in most of its games.  To much spent on little graphics detail but no time spent on making the games look like they will be fun to play.  Then you have Xbox 360 amazing graphics aswell just not like the ps3's but the new games look so much more fun to play, for example gears of war looks crazy fun, but ps3's games look hella boring in most of the gameplay.  Lair looks good tho.  Also Xbox 260 has killer online play, which is not sumthin that i think ps3 can compete in,  and online play is 1 of the best parts of todays gaming.