Dude, in the console vs. PC battle you will never win. We like consoles. Go away if you don't. It's called trolling. However I agree the new Xbox looks like it sucks.
Look all this pc/console stuff is dumb. Face it. PC games are only made if there is a reliable market. That market is console gaming. So they are made the same, albeit, pc games have slightly less muddy textures. I've had an Xbox and ps3 since launch. If a good game comes out, I play it. On pc, you can not always say that. Pcs are great. But I've found about 20 games on iOS that pcs don't have. So la dee dA.
Dude, I sort of get what you are trying to say, but just barely. In America we are the most passionate gamers in the world. Stick to sites that speak your brand of non-sensical jibberish.
I am with you. I wanted the new xbox to succeed so badly. I was excited as hell and texted all my friends when the live reveal came on. I knew they would be just as excited. But Microsoft sent out 3 turds to talk about what? Nothing a gamer cares about. I don't care if the ps4 costs $600. I will be buying it. I could list about 1000 things I see wrong here, but ill just say this. Microsoft, Xbox, you f*cked up bad. Welcome to the bottom shelf where they keep all the wii Us.
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