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aumelen818 Blog

Nintendo Wii

Well, I've owned a Ninentdo Wii...for about one week. I hope I don't sound too negative about it, but as a gamer it just didn't peak my interests. The Wii controls are really really cool. However, for me, the system as a whole is just too novice-like. It's true Nintendo intended for the system to be used by the "non-gamer" crowd. The people that don't normally buy and play games. It's a different system when compared to the others out there. As a gamer I wanted something more robust. Something I can play with. Something a little more complex. Something with more hard-core games with cutting edge graphics and sound. The Wii was not it. I had a lot of fun with the game Super Mario Galaxies. But when i went to the store to look at what else was available I was really unimpressed. Nothing grabbed my attention. I'm sure there were some good games there that were fun, but the graphics of these games didn't pull me. And it seemed like many games were aimed toward the younger crowd for casual playing.

The main reason I purchased the Wii was becaause my girlfriend had an interest in it. She really liked Zelda on the Wii. But when I got the Wii and Super Mario Galaxies, she really didn't want to play it much. She said she mostly liked Zelda, lol. Well, I figured I shouldn't known an entire system just for one game, so I returned it and got a Xbox 360. Something that I really wanted for awhile but never admitted it. And after only one day with it so far (and a good collected of borrowed games from a friend) I'm having fun with the system. Damn, this thing is a tinkers fun-box. Gaming profiles, linking my computers in my place, etc. I love it.

I also think my girlfriend will like this system. There are some good co-op games out there, like Scene It (which she has played and enjoys immensely).

Now to get that flat panel HDTV...

The Lack of RPGs

I love role playing games. I'm not talking about D&D style RPGs, nor RPGs like Oblivion. I'm talking about the Japanese style ones. I've fell in love with the genre since Dragon Warrior. Then the Final Fantasy series started and I was greatly in love with those. I loved the stories and the gameplay. There was a certain strategy in fighting the bosses. And the music. Damn, I loved the music in all the Final Fantasy games. I am finding them so difficult to find these days. The Final Fantasy series was one of the main reasons I have ever wanted to own the Playstation consoles. But these days I just don't see much of anything that is worth it. Now, recently a friend of mine got a RPG called Lost Odyssey, and it plays and looks great. But it is one of the very very few. I wish more of these types of games were developed and brought to the US. It's unfortunate that the main reason we don't find many of these games here is because they just aren't very popular with the US gamers.

PC upgrades

Sigh. I love being a PC gamer. But I am also not rich. Today I was browsing around the internet checking out what kind of video cards there are on the market these days and noticed there is a new spec for PCI-E called PCI-E 2.0 Now when I want to take full advantage of a new video card I will be forced to upgrade my main board :( I'm not saying that computer technology shouldn't advance. Hell no. I'm just jabbering that too bad my income doesn't advance as fast (or faster) than computer tech :P