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Just enrolled into a tafe course!!!

Jst enrolled today at tafe nsw, ill be doing cert 3 in software apps then ill go on to do a web designing course.    

There was heaps of people enrolling into the new games course, the reason why im not doing that one is becuase i think it would kinda take somthing away from the experience's i have while playing games(On the rare chance i do). I like to just play the games and wonder how the hell they do it, like believeing in santa when you wer young then finding out he aint real!  (sorry  kids)

Somthing bothers me tho and i know i might get grilled for this but there wer far to many freaks and geeks there!!   Some wer goths(I HATE GOTHS) and others wer straight out nerds!    
I saw one emo kid with a shirt and on the back in huge letters read "PEOPLE HATE ME" :?   I gotsa thinking that if he didnt were that shirt or the black cothes or the ten tons of metal in his lip then maybe people (incl me) might give him a chance. You call ure self a loser, your gonna be a loser,simple.  

Anyways im gonna leave it there for now.Sorry for wasting ure time but if uve read this blog up to this point then i guess youve got nothing better to do, peace out.

My mothers comments on kindom hearts 2.

So i was on the way home from the video store and i told mum that in kindom hearts u can visit the worlds of disney movies like the lion king and pirates of the carribbean. You play as sora who teams up with donald and goofy. At this point she was luaghing like theres no tomorow, she then sed "i bet theres micky mouse in the game to" I sed as a matter of fact there is! hes the king of this castle! She could not stop luaghing.I was then trying to tell her that its not really a kids game its kinda voilent. "So does donald duck have a bazooka or somthing?" she also sed "gee if i had a doller for every time i heard a 18yr old talk about donald duck and goofy saving micky mouse form a castle id be rich!"  MAN i was angry:x , Thatll be the last time i talk to her about games.

Dreamfall the longest journey

If u havent played this game then you cannot call ure self a gamer!!   It has the best story that i have ever seen in a video game or any book. I have so many questions now that its over and for about a week and a half after i played i honestly could not stop thinking about it, no joke. Do ureself a favour and buy this game. No use renting it because ull jst have to take it back the next day and TRUST ME u wont want to!!

Im going to seriously hurt my mothers boyfreind!!

Ok so i dont care if i get banned or whatever for this but a couple of days ago my aunty rang me up and sed that my mother was in the hospital for "depression", wen she came home that night she had a swollen eye and cut up nose. Wen i asked her about it she sed that she got into an argument with her boyfreind and he pushed her into the corner of a pool table!! Now she says it was an accident but i think shes only saying that so i wont track him down and knock the living **** outta him!:evil:     But i am in a pickle u see i dont know weither or not to put him in hospital and pretty much screw up my life or leave it alone making him feel like he can do it again.  Ure thoughts?

banning games down under!!

The minute i heard the mark ecko's game wasnt coming to australia I was on the fone for an hour tryin to get through to the classifactions board, no luck there so i gave up that idea wen i found out i could jst import it if it was that good. Apart from that i have to say they do a good job at keeping crap away from our shores, the prime example being Rock*'s ultra voilent stealth game Manhunt. I bought myself a copy from ebay to see what the fuss was about and even tho the gameplay was top notch the content was disturbing and in the wrong hands dangerous. That is somthing we dont want in this country Seriel killers that kill for fun unlike some other country:roll: Yeh u know what im talking about.

Going bak to mark eckos game, here is somthing worth noting 

"Essentially they banned the game, which in our opinion is rather ironic considering that the game takes place in a city with a tyrannical government that tries to suppress the freedom of expression," Barr said. "Life is imitating art right now. This is censorship, plain and simple. This is tantamount to burning books. If you start censoring video games, where does it stop?"