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banning games down under!!

The minute i heard the mark ecko's game wasnt coming to australia I was on the fone for an hour tryin to get through to the classifactions board, no luck there so i gave up that idea wen i found out i could jst import it if it was that good. Apart from that i have to say they do a good job at keeping crap away from our shores, the prime example being Rock*'s ultra voilent stealth game Manhunt. I bought myself a copy from ebay to see what the fuss was about and even tho the gameplay was top notch the content was disturbing and in the wrong hands dangerous. That is somthing we dont want in this country Seriel killers that kill for fun unlike some other country:roll: Yeh u know what im talking about.

Going bak to mark eckos game, here is somthing worth noting 

"Essentially they banned the game, which in our opinion is rather ironic considering that the game takes place in a city with a tyrannical government that tries to suppress the freedom of expression," Barr said. "Life is imitating art right now. This is censorship, plain and simple. This is tantamount to burning books. If you start censoring video games, where does it stop?"