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wii....motion sensing, really?

Last year i was so hyped about playing the wii, but I'm so glad i couldn't find one and waste money on a system built on lies. My biggest gripes with the wii are the following 1.) a 512 mb hard drive, if your going to make it that small why even put a hard drive.

2.) Every Wii i played which currently is 7, none of the pointers are accurate.they are always above or below where i'm actually pointing.

3.) the prices of the virtual game, c'mon i could get an emulator for free on my computer.

4)My biggest gripe is the so- called motion sensing. It shouldn't be called motion sensing it should be called shake sensitive b/c it really only responds to shaking. For example wii-sports, you don't actually have to swing the wii-mote, you can just shake it to swing the raquet. My friend try to argue that its motion sensing if you want it to be. yeah i could swing like an idiot but why should I.Its like tv remotes, I could get up and walk to tv to change the channel, but why should i when i could press a button None of the games uses motion sensing, and don't give Me Wario-ware b/c you don't actually have hold it the way they suggest or move the way they suggest. I hate Wario-ware, they make micro-games to cover up the fact if you play long enough you'll realize that it sucks, but i'm off topic. No games as of right now have motion sensing and the good games on the wii are basically gamecube ports (paper mario, Zelda). And wii owners keep telling me to wait. Why should i wait nintendo, you promised a system with last gen graphics but with motion sesning to make up for it. But you don't have any motion sensing games, so by my logic you don't have aconsole of motion sensing capabilities if you can't use the motion sensing. Also i've been looking at the upcoming games for the Wii, no games in the forseeable future will actually use motion sensing. metroid is a point-and-shoot, mario-u spin the wii-mote to jump off a planet-woo motion sensing, and SSMB- no person in their right mind would choose the wii-mote+nunchuck over Gamecube controller if you really played the game.

5) the f'n add ons. The wii-mote should come with the nunchuck its bs that you have to buy that seperately b/c most games require to have it. OH and the gun perphirel which does nothing but let you hold wii-mote like a gun. If wanted to do that I'll save 20 bucks and just ducktape around a real gun

Wii- is a system built on misinformation, that won't have any real games like gears of war or Metal Gear, they'll have all these puzzle and family games built for nintendo's "unique" controller. As a hardcore gamer i need actual games