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avaloch Blog

Long Time Since My Last Entry

Dear Journal,

Sorry for the long time I have created since the last posting... I'm just to pre-occupied with my games... Anyway as usual, I'm excited about the releases of KH2 and FFXII. Besides is the really upcoming release of HM:AWL-SE.

I think people really discriminate about these kinda games. Games like Harvest Moon, Monster Rancher etc etc... I really think such "Sim" based games are extremely fun and open ended... These games provide a sense of freedom and a freeplay when you play them. I personnally think that such games deserve a bigger crowd to appeal to and probably more advertisements too... Such games go by unnoticed generally as compared to games like Halo 2 (over-hyped)...

Yours Sincerely,


5 New Games

Dear Journal,

I got a good deal for 5 new games... My friend apparently has a bargain from some store near his home... I gotta go check this out and maybe I can finally add certain certain undisclosed games to my collection... Wa ha ha...

On the note of new games, I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 2 and FFXII... I really can't wait for these 2 up and coming Square-Enix games... I do believe they are great games and the KH series will be a hail the start of a new era of gaming... Kiddy looking games can be extremely fun too... Donald kicks more ass than 50 Cent.:D

Long Long Abscence

Dear Journal,

I just realised that I have not made an entry for a long long time... Getting really busy these days with work... Just had a little time off so decided to finish a new journal entry... Looks like more than half a year from my previous journal entry. I guess I played so much more new games that soon my parents I live on games alone... Ha ha

Anyway, I think that the new PS3 looks so much more chic and cooler than the XBox 360... Sorry to diss the XBox fans... I hope PS3 would beat the XBox competition to the dust!!!

I guess thats it for this entry... Hope to write more soon.

GTA: San Andreas

Dear Journal,

OMG I got myself GTA: San Andreas. Boy is it a wonderful game... So far I managed to only get to San Fierro but the game is already so fun. There is so much things to do and explore... This game is far better than its predecessors... Truly this game deserves such a high rating. Its really realistic... Just like the Sims 2... Now I'm waiting for games like The Urbz, Xenosaga Ep II, FFXII and Suikoden IV.

I really need a new com... My old one is getting very cranky... The hard disk keeps making weird noises even when its not reading... I think the reading head is screwed... Damn... I'm so upset... I have to wait for my brother's exam to be completed in order to buy the new com.. But at least it ends next Friday... :)

Yours Sincerely,


Star Ocean: Till The End of Time

Dear Journal,

This is my second entry thus far, sorry for not writing... I have been awfully busy playing SO3... Its a really good game, although not quite what i expected after playing SO2. It is unique and i think that this battle system is now getting readily used by other games. Even FF12 is using a similar battle system. I can't wait for the game to be completed.

I also wanna add that the games that are upcoming over the coming 4 months are making me bloody excited... A lot of cool and fun games are gonna debut over this period... I really hope i have the cash to buy these games.

Yours Sincerely,


Buying a New Com

Dear Journal,

Its been a while since I have last bought/upgraded my com... I think its high time i did just that. My com seems to be lagging so bad i think that my WC3 is hanging everytime i try to play DotA. Its really sad. I have already thought of the specifications for my new com and i think that it will rock...

Another thing... I was looking all over for SO3 in the shops, but so far i have found none that acutally sells it... Perhaps they have not shipped it to Singapore yet... I really need my fair dose of games... I am reeling from the lack of games. I can't even play Doom 3 too..... My bloody com lags too much and i think the graphics card probably cant stand the minimum requirement for the game... I feel so sad... :(