how far can peoeple go with stupid comments.....and that goes to NRA .....if a game give me any thoughts about killing children....than i am crazy who need to be put away...and there is no problem with the game.....dont forget that .....
its like this shouting was made by someone who is normal and by god he played aa violent game and thats why he did it ...
@natt39 @aviaziz you are right !!! and that how it should be !!!!! but this year i read a lot in the world news that senetors and goverment employes go out against violent game ....and it looks like this year they chose this game just to say that they were right !!! and for that i dont agree.....
i tell you why it took GOTY !!!!!!!!!! couse it has no violence !!! thats why they will never give a game like far cry or hallo 4 or any game that is about war or something like that
actually it looks nice but for kids thats it ....just for kids.but what i dont understand is that how games loke this or like similar to this kind of games go into best game nominations 2012.......they should have best games for cant be the same with far cry 3 or black ops 2 or dishonored or whatever ....check the nominees movie is funny ........
i did the biggest mistake ever i bought cod black ops 2 and far cry 3 and played far cry first and when i finished it and started black ops i couldnt touch the game it is bad very bad.......
@manabmw you are tell the truth i actually played the first one and it wes ok but i thought that the game planners will read or learn about what people like but they didnt and this is the worst shooter i ever played.they need to wake up those futuristic shooter is bad...
aviaziz's comments