Innovation? Do you even know what that word means? COD has been the same ever since MW2. Same crap has been served year after year with new maps and same crappy mechanics. How has that been innovative in any way? Now next gen is coming out, and they STILL haven't made major changes to the engine...
@jmc88888 @120hz No offense Jmc ... but you sound like the type of person that ... when asked a question, give you everything you would want but the answer ! Kinda like my ex to be precise. It is uterly annoying. Learn to keep your point you want to get across in less than 4 sentences, it is easier and the other guy actually WILL read it ! -_-
@jmc88888 @1080 No offense but all that you wrote looked pro because it's a lot. But it's really all bollocks. The fact that you said you need "at least 2x$1000 GTX 690 cards" to be able to play a game running the Unreal 4 engine tells me you nothing about what you're saying.That engine although looks good is not better in some ways than the frostbite engine 2 or the CryEngine 2 ....! Crysis with all the mods is still the benchmark to run, if you can run that game with all the graphics mod with decent FPS ... you'll eat any other game !
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