I bought my PS3 at release, and its worked fine, up until a few months ago. In some of my games, it would freeze. In others, it wouldnt. All of my PS2 games work on it, and almost all of my PS3 games work. But, sometimes it freezes at the start screen thing, and sometimes is freezes during the game. Its not an overheating problem, because i took it apart, replaced the dried Thermal Compound, have a fan running on it whenever its on, and its in a well ventilated area. everything is dusted (i did that when i took it apart). It still freezes in Demon's Souls and Batman: Arkam Asylum. My warranty is up, so Sony cant send a replacement. Also, i took it apart, so even if i did somehow have a 4 year warranty on it, it would be void. I have no idea what it could be, except either a video component problem, or the blu-ray drive is failing. I dont think its the blu-ray drive though, because blu-ray movies, and older PS3 games work fine. but if it was the video component, all of my game's video would be messed up. i dont know what to do. -____-
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