Last night Rosen Queen started to sell pre-orders for Ar Tonelico 2, so of course I had to order my copy. All mine! Hooray!
I recieved my Rhapsody/Disgaea DS bundle from Rosen Queen in the mail today too. I don't know what figure I got since I am trying to figure out a way to open the box without causing too much damage (the box is cute!). I might start playing Rhapsody, it's tempting me, I love cute games.
After I pay my bills next month I will be able to order some more games. I am having a hard time choosing since I have alot of choices. I am kinda behind on everything and lack of money is making things a little hard. I can order a small set of games via my credit card but I don't want to put another huge balance on there like I did last time.