Today I bought Enchanted Arms and Ninety Nine Nights for the 360. Both were under $30, used, I couldn't find them brand new. I looked everywhere. They both have the manuals at least and the discs look like they were never played. I've heard mixed things about NNN but I think I will have fun with it. September buys will be extremely limited due to funds, I am going to get Eternal Sonata, Growlancer Heritage of War, Dot Hack GU Vol 3 and Soul Nomad. October will be hard to pick 3-4 games. I need to save back upwhat I spent on my 360 last week. I am not very far in Blue Dragon, I just got to the first village, and I'm under two hours of gameplay. I still need to add games to my collection, I am lazy even though it's easy to add them. Thursday through Sunday I'll be gone, I'll be in Indiana visiting my family and going to my first casino gambling since I turned of legal age! I am only using $20 to gamble with, maybe I will hit a jackpot on the slots, that would rule so much. I have a couple of doctor appts in a couple weeks, and hopefully be discharged from my surgeon's care. The spot has healed up nicely.
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