I got tagged for that 5 Things You Don't Know About Me. Here goes.
(1). I have a huge collection of beanie babies, and I still pick up a occasional cute one that catches my eye.
(2). I never had gotten a blood draw for any reason until 2005 when I was in the ER very sick, prior to my cancer diagonsis.
(3). I try and eat Boneless Buffalo Wings every week, they are very addictive.
(4). Everybody at the EB I go to knows my name, they never have to ask, so they always hook me up with free swag. :D (I spend enough money there as it is...).
(5). I used to have a huge VHS collection of anime, until I sold the video tapes for video games while I was in high school. ^_^; Plus most of them were dubbed so it was quite horriable as I like my anime subtitled. Most of what I sold I have rebought in DVD format. :D