I went to Aeropostale and got some new clothes. Yes, I resisted buying video games! I got a pair of jammies, a pair of jean capris and a pair of these comfy capris that I love to wear also got a shirt that has stars on it a pair of flip flops and another purse. I saved $47, it was around $98. Then we went to the pretzel place and I got a watermelon dutch icee, yummy. I still need to buy work clothing.
I'm trying to not buy as many games cause I want to get my 360 and I saw a really cool preorder offer with Eternal Sonata, and if Blue Dragon is coming out in August (I don't think they've released a official date for it yet? If they have, please let me know by a comment on this blog.) I wanna get both of those games along with Enchanted Arms. Mostly everything I want for my other consoles can wait for a couple months cept the RPGs, so I'm only getting those. Once I start working I'll be able to afford just about everything like when I was working (it will change once I get my drivers license and have to help pay for car insurance) before I got sick.
I'll be at work, working in a couple of weeks I am looking forward to it. It will be part-time under 20 hours, so I can keep my government benefits. I can't make less then $543 a month to keep medicaid and I need it because I won't have any health insurance if they yank it. SSI told me they will send me checks based on what I've earned, but with the number amount he gave me I should get around $300 something a month still on top of work paychecks. So I will be going to both offices alot with paystubs to prove my word. Then I'll be able to send the people who send me my surgery bill $100-200 a month and get it paid off alot faster!