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Fanboyism. It is common. It is annoying. It is immature. It needs to stop.

Fanboyism is something you can find in any comment section in any game related website. It is especially common on Gamespot, which along with IGN are dominated by Xbox 360 fanboys, who seem to do nothing but comsume their life with everying thing related to Xbox.

Fanboyism pretty much began when the Xbox launched. It did have earlier roots when the Playstation launched, but the Nintendo fans didnt take it out too far. However, Microsoft realized that Sony was making a lot of profit off of the first Playstation and feared that the PC market would die out one day. They then rushed their own console out, marketing it as the most advanced and best gaming system out in the planet. Well, of course it is. It was the last one to be released in the 6th generation! Microsoft then tried to hype their console more by unofficialy sending a message to all of their fans, telling them to hate Playstation and put down anything good about it. When the Xbox 360 came out, Microsoft realized they had to do more. They basically tried to steal exclusive titles from their competitors by begging and paying the developer and make their version look superior. They did this by adding these small things that didnt matter much, also known as the achievement system. They also added DLC. A good example is GTA IV. Microsoft tried to unbrand the game as a Playstation game and rebrand it as a Xbox game. That is a dirty thing to do. And whoever said that the DLC is guranteed to be good? It is not guranteed to be good and most people do not even finish the original missions to begin with. Another thing that Microsoft did to make fans of other systems mad is to steal features of other consoles and put it into their own. I know all of what I just said made me look like a hardcore Playstation fan, but it is all true and it had to be said by someone.

Playstation fanboys on the other hand, you all need to stop retaliating. It makes you look like little whiny boys. Let the Xbox 360 fanboys dominate the comment threads if they do not stop making stupid comments when you ask them to. By letting them dominate the threads, you make them look like losers and let them waste their time. You guys also need to calm down on bad reviews. It is going to happen when your console is a dificult machine to tame. Also, do not go bashing the Microsoft fanboys when Microsoft copies Playstation. Playstation also copies them, but not to the same extent.

Nintendo fanboys, you need to stop bragging about how Mario, Zelda, Metriod, and Super Smash Bros are the best games ever. They are overrated and about 85% of you have to grow up. All of those games listed above get away with a lot of things. They do not get criticized as much as other games for having a bad story, and all of these games pretty much use the same plot over and over again and to add fuel to the fire, they are simple plots. Also, these games do little to innovate from the last one. Other games get hit real hard for that . It is ok for you to talk about how much you like so and so, but please do not go ranting about how Mario got a better review than so and so especially since the other game gets criticized much more harshly.

BTW guys, I like all 3 consoles but I just dont like the fanboys that come with them. Just play and enjoy and shut up. If your games were really that good, you would not be spending you time on the thread commenting.