Wow gamespot you suck. I have seen many comparissons why before this one and all of them show that the PS3 has better textures and a much sharper image. Burnout Paradise was shown to have better graphics on PS3 because it was made on PS3 first. GTA IV was also shown to be about the same on both consoles, but the PS3 one had better controls for most of the gameplay. COD4 had no differences, and the Orange Box was better than the PS3 because it was actually made by the original dev. Why are you choosing games that everybody knows looks better on 360 (Orange Box, Madden 08) Why didnt you use Devil May Cry 4? Because it was proven to look better on PS3? Not only that, you probably didnt set the RGB to full, I have seen Assassins Creed with the RGB set to full and it looks much much better than the sh1t you tried to post above. you can all check out shingino's youtube channel to see it. Shame on you gamespot, you might as well fire all of your members, all they do is make controversial bonehead decisions. Mostly anti Playstation. BTW, I'm not a complete Playstation Fanboy, I'm just defending it because it has been wrongly reviewed.
darkdaej I totally disagree with you.Killzone may have been hyped by many as the "Halo Killer", but just because the first one was terrible does not justify that it never will be.The first one was terrible because the PS2 didnt have the power to make the gameplay smooth and there was obviously not enough time given to developers to make the game as well as they probably would have liked.However, this time, Killzone 2 looks to be the complete opposite of the original Killzone because the PS3 has the power, Sony has given Guerilla lots of money for development and also has given them plenty of time.Killzone is a completely different type of shooter than Halo is.Halo is all about running around and shooting, not much strategy involved, if strategy was involved, Halo wouldnt be good.Killzone 2 looks like you will be using a cover system similar to Rainbow Six Vegas.And if Killzone 2's style of gameplay isnt as good as Halo 3, then it will surely best Halo 3 in graphics, because the environments and face models were just unbelievable.Halo traditionaly sports rather simple environments and doesnt have really good face models because the main character doesnt have a face.The support soldiers are even worth spending time for their faces.Same with AJ Johnson.I'm not sure about the online modes for the games though.Halo has so far been pretty good on Xbox Live.However, games on the Playstation Network have been mediocre, because there are no standards.If every game had the online options of Resistance: Fall of Man, then the Playstation Network will almost be as good as Xbox Live.Hopefully, Killzone will have a really good online mode.For now though, Halo 3 has the edge in online play especially with the replay mode.
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