@MoreThot @azumabob No, not at all. If you honestly think that the recent success of Day Z and War Z are coincidental to the far greater success of The Walking Dead as, basically, a cutural phenominon, given how many mainstream TV viewers watch the show, you are being a little niave IMHO. Its my opinion, but it holds a fair degree of merit I would wager.
@Colekern To quote the article "I am angry about The War Z. I'm very angry". Thats pretty clear to me.
It does also mention the fact that he also feels his erm idea? was linked to their erm idea? and their removal from Steam has undermined his potential IP. Thats just added to get the two IP's linked deliberately, because any publicity is good publicity EVEN when you steal that publicity from your competitors, The War Z's, misfortune and bad business practice.
But both Day Z AND War Z are ripping off the success of The Walking Dead TV show. Hardly Anyone would be playing either his mod or the war z game if The Walking Dead wasn't such a big hit, and to call out someone for stealing the same idea you stole yourself is weak at best. People in glass houses an' all that! Well thats my opinion on it anyway, seeing as how zombie games have been around for ages, and surviving a zombie apocalypse is hardly a new concept in entertainment is it.
Terrible news for MH gamers, I have a 3DS and I would rather see the 4th main game on ALL the consoles, handhelds and PC with full online gaming, as would any true Monster Hunter gamer. And add a G mode from the get go too. Not very keen on cuddling on to monsters for cheap skill-free hits either...
It is merely that you also had my name in the response box, so I get an email. And anyone who may read a portion of the comments somewhen down the line might have mistaken me for someone who knew nothing about or did not like the game, if you follow the conversation, it looks like you are directly responding to both of our comments.
The direct response feature adds any prior commentor's screen name so I hadn't missed that part (where you were responding to syler), but you had me named in your response as well, rather than remove me, so I responded in case you may have been deliberately including me too : )
azumabob's comments