hello everyone, im just wighting this little report of what is happening with all games and computer stuff (aka, this is a blog!). i have ordered battlefield 2: special forces and half life 1 anthology. i keep going on, what i call invitigen's for my union, and thats just random invites to anyone i can find that for some reason might want to join THE AREA 51 INVASION. i have heard some other people call them inviting spree. anyway i am working on a new unreal 2004 map called cold core 17 (dont ask where i got the name from, total randomness), it involves crouching to climb through air vents. it also has this weird sort of liguid that makes you turn invisible when you crouch in it, it still shows your shadow though but if you get in with them you can see under the top layer.
thats about it for now.