b0land's forum posts
they won't make a new game while the current WoW is doing so amazingly, the user base is still growing.
from the new expansions FAQ: "We're currently working on some technical enhancements to the game's graphics, and we'll be discussing these further in the months ahead."
so it looks like they're going to give the game a visual tune up
4 things to say
1.) all you people bashing BF2 or the series as a whole...stop. Only BF:V and BF2142 are allowed to be attacked while I'm present
2.) BF will not work during any time period before around 1800, the battlefield series is clearly a shooter series so making a game with swords and stuff woudn't be any good. Bows and arrows are fine but a BF game with only arrows as projectiles would fail. Also, a time period where military strategy was to stand in formation and get shot at wouldn't work too well either.
3.) that brings me to my main point, i think a decent place to try a BF game is the Conflict on the Western Plains of the US. Native Americans vs. US Army. I still don't think a BF game set in that time would be anything great but its the only time period that i can think of that hasn't been done and could still work with a BF game
4.) As for the world war 1 time period, there was a mod for BF1942 that was based in WW1, honestly i don't think it was different enough from 1942 to require anything more than a good mod.
Ah-HA! It's not evolutionary advantages that made us what we are today! It's inbreeding mutations!OfficialJab
i think you've just made the scientific breakthrough of the century
i vote you for the Nobel Prize
i doubt it would be easily broken, it's still plastic coated wire after all, unless you allow small children/pets to go behind your tv, and your child is Edward Scissor hands, and the pet is a tiger, i think you'll be ok...bobbetybob
lol nicely put
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