Hey guys!As you can see by the title of my blog,you can see I love another couple!Lashley!They look so cute together!
But...I still love Zashley!
I love Zashley sooooo much more than Lashley but I still love Lashley!
Anyways,guess what!I met this boy and he is like Zac Efron's long lost brother!This boy has the same exact hair style as Zac!His hair color is kinda the same but his hair is lighter...He also has blue eyes!Just like Zac!And his name is even Zac!How weird is that!And also,he sucks at basketball!Just like Zac!He voice(not his singing voice)kinda sounds like Zac's also!And if you look at Zac(the one I met)he kinda looks like Zac Efron!How weird is that?
I also met another famous person look-alike!Her name is Jessica and she kinda looks like Miley!I'm serious!If you look at her and concentrate,you can see the resembelence!And her voice(not her singing voice)kinda sounds like Miley!And her laugh also kinda sounds like Miley's!Freaky isn't it?
Well,that's all I guess!Wait!I just need to say one more thing!Since no one in the Zashley club voted for the VP and secretary,I guess I'll just have to pick the one's that had the highest votes!
And the VP is:
And the secretary is:
Congragulations!I'm sorry to troypay13 that you didn't get VP but the members wouldn't vote!Even though I posted all those blogs about to vote,no one voted!Oh well!
Well,that's all!Cya!
p.s. I love Zashley amd Lashley!I just had to say that!