-------------ABOUT YOU---------------
Time started: 11;47pm
Full Name: Cali DeLaCruz
Sex: Female
Birthday: June 20
Sign: idk
Siblings: Franteral twin brother named, Chad(14), Older sister named Paris(16), older brother named Cole(17), younger sister named Andrea(10)
Eye colour: Aqua
Shoe size: 6
What are you wearing right now: My cheer uniform
Color: Aqua and Pink..maybe even lime green!
Number: 9
Boys Name: Joey
Girls name:I'm sorry but I love my name!
Subject in school: Lunch
Animal: Dolphins...than puppies!
Drink: Dr.Pepper
Fast-Food Place: If it was either eating fast-food or dying, I'd die. But I do have a Wendy's frostie once in a while!
Band/artist: P!ATD, The Killers, Danity Kane,Cartel, Nelly Futardo, Jibbs IS THAT YOUR CHAIN??? and more
Movie: Bring It On! All or Nothing
Juice:Sparkling Apple Cider
Finger: Index, I guess
Breakfast: Low-Fat Muffin and my own low-fat healthy smoothie!
Favourite cartoon character: Minnie Mouse...Sure
TV Show: TSL
Actor/actress: JOHNY DEPP! Lucas Grabeel, Keira Knightley and more
Holiday: Christmas
---------------------HAVE YOU EVER -----------------------
Given anyone a bath: Yeah Andie when she was little
Eaten a dog biscuit: NO !
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Not recently...
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes
Broken a bone: My wrist
Played truth or dare: YES!!
Been in a physical fight: Yeah. I **** slapped that ****!
Been in a police car: I only went in one because my friends dad is a cop and he was driving us somewhere. LOL Lacee!
Been on a plane: Like my second home!
Come close to dying: Unfortunatly..yes!
Been in a sauna: yea
Been in a hot tub: yea
Swam in the ocean: YEA !!
Fallen asleep in school: yup
Ran away: nope
Broken someone's heart: yea
Cried when someone died: yea
Cried in school: when i was in preschool
Fell off your chair: Yeah..LOL Lacee!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Yea
Saved e-mails: Yea
Fallen for one of your best friends:Kurt
Been cheated on: yea
Done something you regret: Yea
-----------------------------WHAT IS…-------------------------
Your good luck charm: My twin brother ( lol i know i am corney sometimes lol )
Best song you ever heard: WHEN YOU WERE YOUNG BY THE KILLERS!!I'm not a tomboy!
Stupidest thing you have ever done:Took down the whole foodstore with Lacee, using 7 bouncy balls.. Please no questions
What is beside you now: My pompoms, Moose(my dogs and my cell.
Last thing you ate:Jamba Juice Smoothie
Worst thing that has happened to you: My old BF Joey cheated on me for the ****iest cheerleader!
------------------------HAVE YOU EVER HAD------------------------------
Chicken pox: Yeah
Stitches: No
-----------------------DO YOU-----------------------
Believe in love at first sight: YES !!!
Like picnics: no not really unless its with my boyfriend
What schools have you gone to:
Eat a hamster for $1,000,000: No...
Kill someone you know for 15 billion dollars:No
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?My boyfriend, Kurt My brother, The Cheer Squad and Lacee!
What makes you laugh the most: My brother and Kurt
Makes you smile: My boyfriend Kurt!
-------------------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------------
You touched: Kurt my boyfriend
You massaged: Umm...
You yelled at:Andie, she took my cell!
----------------------------DO YOU/ARE YOU:-----------------------------------------
Do you like filling these out: yup
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Contacts ( but dont tell anyone lol )
Do you like yourself:No I LOVE MYSELF ..lol
Do you get along with your family: yea pretty much
Do you do drugs: nope
Have piercing(s) below the waist: NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stolen anything over $50: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obsessive: yea
Obsessive Compulsive: nope
---------------------FINAL QUESTIONS-----------------
What are you listening to right now: When You Were Young
How many buddies are on your list: 499( on AIM )
What did you do yesterday: School Cheerpractice played on the computer then went to the movies with my boyfriend..LOL Lace!
Hate someone in your family: Yea
Where do you want to get married: idk
If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?: IDK
Good driver: still to young to drive
Good dancer: YEA !
Good Singer: kinda ( well atleast i think i am good lol )
Have a lava lamp:WTF? NO
How many remote controls are in your house:Like counting ALL remotes like 67 but that's an educated guess!
What do you dream about:Kurt...awwwww...
Last time you showered: like a 1/2 hour ago
The last movie you saw at the theatres: ummmm i cant rember i wasnt paying attention lol
Scary or happy movies: i like them both
Chocolate or white milk: white
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
Mud or Jell-O:
Skiing or Boarding: idk
Summer or winter: Summer
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearls: BOTH!!
Sunset or Sunrise: sunsets
Cats or dogs: DOGS !!!
Phone or in person: it depends lol
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child:Oldest out of me and Chad but a minute
End Time: 5:27 PM
Made yourself throw-up: no
Been in the opposites sex's bathroom: Maybe..JK No