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Twilight fanfic

Hey you guys!

Well some friends of mine have made a new fanfic on fanfiction.net and i was wondering if you guys could please read and review what you think. To me, it sounds like a great story and they are fantastic writers so please give it a chance. The story is called UnForgiven, here's the summary....

UnForgiven: Bella believes she has committed a crime, but did she really do it? Her past has haunted her and her family for a year, its caused pain and grief, so can she be forgiven? Can she accept someone's love again? She's suffered a lot and she believes she deserves it, but nothing else can possibly happen, can it?

If you like the sound of it then please check it out HERE :)

Also for anyone who's interested, here's a few twilight banners i've made that you can use if you want;)

Long time no speak! (TWILIGHT)

Heeey u guys:D

Yupp well its been a while since i've left a blog but to be honest i haven't had much to write about so, yeah here's a random lil message for u ;)

Well for a while I've been reading the twilight books, any heard of them or read them? Anyway, if you haven't heard of them then u should definately try them ;), there's only 4 books, it's about a human girl who falls in love with a vampire guy who has to deal with all the difficualties of him being a vampire, it has action, funny parts in it, romance, everything :lol:

This is the first book called "Twilight"

Book 2 (New moon)

Book 3 (Eclipse)

Book 4 (Breaking Dawn)

Soooo, they've now released twilight as a movie, (November 20th in america) it doesn't come out here in Britain unitll December 19th :(, here's some links for the trailors if you're interested ;)

Here's all of the Tv spot ones

Here's the teaser trailor

Here's the official trailor

And last but not least, here's the two main people in the film :D

Here's some pics of Robert pattinson who plays edward cullen (the vampire)

And here's Kirsten Stewart who plays Bella Swan

And here's a song called "Decode" by Paramore which is in the movie, I absolutely love it!:D and it has some great clips of "Twilight" in the video :P


Oh and here's a banner i made fore twilight, i know it isn't very good, but meh, its the first banner i've made, it could have been worse :lol:

So has anyone seen the movie? If u have how was it?:D




Hey guys!:D

I'm leaving for holidays in a few hours to catch an early flight tomorrow and god i'm just so excited soo, i thought io might post a few pictures before i leave, hope u enjoy;)

Well i'm gonna leave now, speak to u guys next week

byee xx


Ok well i just finished watching supernaturals season 3 finally today (i know i know i'm very behind on it) and omfg the episode was great! But i was really upset about the episode, i thought for sure that they would find a way out of Deans deal, but unfortunately they didnt:cry:

The ending really shocked me though, in the part where it wasn't really ruby it really didnt see that coming, and the part where her powers didnt affect sam:shock:.

Well i'm guessing they'll find a way to get dean outta hell because they won't make a show with just sam, so it'll be interesting to see how they get him out:P

Well this was my favourite scene from the ep...here the scene was really sweet but i really couldn't help laughing when even sam joined in singing:lol:

Anyways, here's some random songs i love atm...

"Saturaday"- Kids in Glass Houses

"Made Up Stories"- Go Audio

"Sweet Sacrifice"- Evanescence

"4 am Forever"- Lost Prophets

"Leave Out All the Rest"- Linkin Park

Byeee x

Exams nd stuff


Well i probably won't be around here much soon coz I have 3 really important exams soon, and i gotta study:(sooo...

Well i guess it was really boring for mee today, i didnt have propper lessons in school today coz most of the teachers were somewhere else, god knows what they were doing though.

But i guess today wasn't the worst day today, well at least one good thing happened, lately me and my friend james haven't been talkin to eachother (long story), but today he apolagized to me about everything, and he was so sweet about it so i decided to forgive him:)

Anyway, here's some songs that i've been listening to that some of u might like

"Mistress Mabel"- The Fratellis

"Hysteria"- Muse

"Love is a lie"- Simple Plan

"What I've Done"- Linkin Park

Well anyway, byeee for now


Last Day!


Well it was my last day of "work" today, and lets just say I'm glad it's over, it was kinda busy today because the kids were having a school concert, and lets just say things got a bit hectic.

But even though I'm glad to go I can honestly say I enjoyed myself there, i mean, it was way more fun than I would've had in my own school.

But the best part of it is that we had to make the teachers right a report on how well we were there, and it was kinda important because they would go on our applications for when we apply for a job, but the teachers at the school gave me an awesome application so i'm happy as hell about that:D:P

Well, for the last part of my blog, I saw the new Indianna Jones movie last night, I thought it was brilliant:P, has anyone else saw it? if u have leave comments:)



I'm Free From Work!!!1

Well everyone, tomorrow is my last day of work in the school, and i have learnt one thing from it teaching is not the carreer for me!!:lol:

I guess it isn't that bad there but I really am sich of the kids argueing with eachother or trying to give me hugs:evil:lol, but i guess the good part of it is that I didn't kill any of them:Plol

But the thing I loved about it was that my old friend Richard was there, we used to be really good friends but we haven't spoken for about 2 years, but now that we got the chance to talk we've become good friends again:D

Well anyway, I hope everyone else is ok;), and i can't think of anything else to write sooo...



Exams, work, music!!

Hey everyone:D i know I havn't posted in a while but I've been really busy with exams:(

Well for the first part of my blog, my last exam was yesturday:D:D and I found out I've passed all of my other exams to so, WOOOHOOO!!!:P

As for the second part of my blog, starting monday I have to have a job for 2 weeks for a school project, lets just say i'm not really happy about it:evil:, mostly because for some stupid reason I picked to go to my local school, but I know I'll do terrible because I actually have zero patience with people, and I get really stressed out around kids, so good luck to the kids when I get there:lol:

For the music past ofmy blog I thought I'd mention a really great band called MUSE.

I've been listening to them a lot lately and their really great and sooo talented, if anyone hasn't heard of them, here are 3 of their songs;)

Song 1 -"Plug in Baby"


Song 2- "Super massive Black hole"


Song 3- "Our time is running out"


If anyone has time you should definately check out some of their other songs;)



Stolen quiz :P

Well hey everyone! I'm quite bored so here's a quiz I stole from smallville2k7

------------------About You------------------

Time Started: 19:15

Date 7th of March 2008

Full Name: Bethan Marie Thomas

Age: 14

Sex: Female

Birthday: 27th August

Sign: Virgo

Siblings: One sister

Eye Colour: Brown

Shoe Size: UK 5

Height: 5"4

What are you wearing right now: Blue jeans, brown top

Color: Blue

Boys Names: Andrew, Darren, Scott

Girls name: Hannah, Charlotte, Chloe

Subject in school: Welsh

Animal: Dog

Drink: Lemonade
Month: June (summer:P)
Band/artists: Stereophonics:P / Plain White T's/ 3 doors down...lots more:P lol
Movies: The Prestige/ 10 things I hate about you/ Oceans 11

Finger: I don't know:lol:

Breakfast: I dunno..toast i gues:P

TV Show: Supernatural/ Prison Break/ Scrubs

Holiday: Christmas

---------------------HAVE YOU EVER -----------------------
Given anyone a bath: Nope
Bungee Jumped: No, too scared to:oops: lol

Made yourself throw-up: No

Been in the opposites sex's bathroom: No

Eaten a dog biscuit: Nope, and why would I?:P

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: :lol: haha..nope, and I don't really plan to:P

Broken a bone: No, which is surprising considering how clumsy I am:P lol

Played truth or dare: Yeah:D

Been in a physical fight: No..I don't like fights
Been in a police car: Nope

Been on a plane: Yeah, I few times:)

Come close to dying: Not yet

Been in a sauna: Nope

Been in a hot tub: Yeah, when I went on holidays:)

Swam in the ocean: Yes

Fallen asleep in school: Only once..it was soo embarrassing:oops:

Ran away: Nope

Broken someone's heart: Nope!

Cried when someone died: Yeah, a few times:(

Cried in school: Not that I remember..I hate crying in public

Fell off your chair:Yeah, a few times:lol:

Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Yes

Saved e-mails: Yep

Fallen for one of your best friends: Yes..and I hate that I have:evil: lol

Been cheated on: Nope

Done something you regret: Yeah, but not that many things

-----------------------------WHAT IS...-------------------------
Your good luck charm: Celtic cross neclace

Best song you ever heard: "Mr Brightside" by Stereophobics or "When you were young" by the Killers

Stupidest thing you have ever done: Umm...when I accidentely dropped an electrical wisk in a sink when it was plugged in:oops::lol:

What is beside you now: My phone

Last thing you ate: A sandwitch

Worst thing that has happened to you: When most of my family argued and stopped talking to eachother:(

------------------------HAVE YOU EVER HAD------------------------------
Chicken pox: Yeah

Stitches: Nope..not yet anyway:P

-----------------------DO YOU-----------------------
Believe in love at first sight: Not really

What schools have you gone to: Blaendulais Primary and Llangatwg Comprehensive

Kill someone you know for 15 billion dollars: Depends, who would I have to kill :lol:

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you? My cousin Lauren.

What makes you laugh the most: Randomness and when some of my quieter friends go hyper:lol:

Makes you smile: Spending time with my friends/ family

-------------------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------------
You touched: My friends James and Scott (we were having a group hug:lol:)

You massaged: No- one

You yelled at: Lauren (my cousin)..but it was only for a joke:P

Who broke your heart: No one that I can remember

----------------------------DO YOU/ARE YOU:-----------------------------------------
Do you like filling these out: Yeah! lol

Do you wear contacts or glasses: I wear lenses because I HATE wearing my glasses.

Do you like yourself: Kinda, I guess

Do you get along with your family: Only a few members:(

Do you do drugs: Nope

Have piercings: Just my ears

Stolen anything over $50: Well I've never stolen anything sooo...lol:P

Obsessive: Not really

Obsessive Compulsive: No

---------------------FINAL QUESTIONS-----------------
What are you listening to right now?: "Just" Mark Ronson

How many buddies are on your list: On here I think it's 20..but on stuff like msn it's something like 50:P

What did you do yesterday: Go to school

Hate someone in your family: Yes...but it's for a good reason

Where do you want to get married: Well considering I'm 14 I'm kinda far away from that decission:lol:

If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?: My eye sight

Good Driver: Not old enough to drive yet

Good dancer: Haha..let's just say NOO! :P

Good Singer: Sames as above

Have a lava lamp: Not anymore, my sister broke my last one lol

How many remote controls are in your house: Let's just say a lot:P

What do you dream about: I hardly ever remember my dreams:(

Last time you showered: This morning

The last movie you saw at the theatres: I think it was "The Simpsons Movie"..:shock:Wow, that was a while ago:Plol

Scary or happy movies: Happy..I hate scary films:oops:lol

Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate

Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr Pepper

Skiing or Boarding: Skiing (never tried it, but it looks like fun)

Summer or winter: Summer

Silver or Gold: Silver

Diamond or pearl: Diamonds
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset

Cats or dogs: Dogs

Phone or in person: In person

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest

End Time: 19:54

Music, Movie, Quotes=Couldn't think of much else to write about :P

Well hey everyone! :D I know I haven't posted a blog in a while so I decided to write one now:P

First of all I don't think I'll be around here for a while because I've got tones of coursework to do for school and lots of work= me being very busy:P lol

But anyway I decided to show you all some of the songs that I'm obsessed with right now:P...

Here without you- by 3 doors down:D


My friends- by the Stereophonics


Just- by Mark Ronson


Read my mind- The Killers


If you have time, check some of them out:P

Well as for the next part of my blog, I saw a really good film last night 'The number 23' I was wondering if anyone else has seen it and what they thought of it? If you haven't seen it, I would definately recomend it:P

I also came across some quotes that I thought were really sweet, and I thought I would share them with you:)

"Life isn't about counting the amounts of breaths you take, it's about the moments that take your breath away"

"If you love something, set it free, if it was meant to be, it will come back to you"

"Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime and fall in love , it becomes a miracle"

So does anyone have any other quotes they love that they want to share?

Bye for now...



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