Well hey everyone! I'm quite bored so here's a quiz I stole from smallville2k7
------------------About You------------------
Time Started: 19:15
Date 7th of March 2008
Full Name: Bethan Marie Thomas
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Birthday: 27th August
Sign: Virgo
Siblings: One sister
Eye Colour: Brown
Shoe Size: UK 5
Height: 5"4
What are you wearing right now: Blue jeans, brown top
Color: Blue
Boys Names: Andrew, Darren, Scott
Girls name: Hannah, Charlotte, Chloe
Subject in school: Welsh
Animal: Dog
Drink: Lemonade
Month: June (summer:P)
Band/artists: Stereophonics:P / Plain White T's/ 3 doors down...lots more:P lol
Movies: The Prestige/ 10 things I hate about you/ Oceans 11
Finger: I don't know:lol:
Breakfast: I dunno..toast i gues:P
TV Show: Supernatural/ Prison Break/ Scrubs
Holiday: Christmas
---------------------HAVE YOU EVER -----------------------
Given anyone a bath: Nope
Bungee Jumped: No, too scared to:oops: lol
Made yourself throw-up: No
Been in the opposites sex's bathroom: No
Eaten a dog biscuit: Nope, and why would I?:P
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: :lol: haha..nope, and I don't really plan to:P
Broken a bone: No, which is surprising considering how clumsy I am:P lol
Played truth or dare: Yeah:D
Been in a physical fight: No..I don't like fights
Been in a police car: Nope
Been on a plane: Yeah, I few times:)
Come close to dying: Not yet
Been in a sauna: Nope
Been in a hot tub: Yeah, when I went on holidays:)
Swam in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep in school: Only once..it was soo embarrassing:oops:
Ran away: Nope
Broken someone's heart: Nope!
Cried when someone died: Yeah, a few times:(
Cried in school: Not that I remember..I hate crying in public
Fell off your chair:Yeah, a few times:lol:
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Yes
Saved e-mails: Yep
Fallen for one of your best friends: Yes..and I hate that I have:evil: lol
Been cheated on: Nope
Done something you regret: Yeah, but not that many things
-----------------------------WHAT IS...-------------------------
Your good luck charm: Celtic cross neclace
Best song you ever heard: "Mr Brightside" by Stereophobics or "When you were young" by the Killers
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Umm...when I accidentely dropped an electrical wisk in a sink when it was plugged in:oops::lol:
What is beside you now: My phone
Last thing you ate: A sandwitch
Worst thing that has happened to you: When most of my family argued and stopped talking to eachother:(
------------------------HAVE YOU EVER HAD------------------------------
Chicken pox: Yeah
Stitches: Nope..not yet anyway:P
-----------------------DO YOU-----------------------
Believe in love at first sight: Not really
What schools have you gone to: Blaendulais Primary and Llangatwg Comprehensive
Kill someone you know for 15 billion dollars: Depends, who would I have to kill :lol:
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you? My cousin Lauren.
What makes you laugh the most: Randomness and when some of my quieter friends go hyper:lol:
Makes you smile: Spending time with my friends/ family
-------------------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------------
You touched: My friends James and Scott (we were having a group hug:lol:)
You massaged: No- one
You yelled at: Lauren (my cousin)..but it was only for a joke:P
Who broke your heart: No one that I can remember
----------------------------DO YOU/ARE YOU:-----------------------------------------
Do you like filling these out: Yeah! lol
Do you wear contacts or glasses: I wear lenses because I HATE wearing my glasses.
Do you like yourself: Kinda, I guess
Do you get along with your family: Only a few members:(
Do you do drugs: Nope
Have piercings: Just my ears
Stolen anything over $50: Well I've never stolen anything sooo...lol:P
Obsessive: Not really
Obsessive Compulsive: No
---------------------FINAL QUESTIONS-----------------
What are you listening to right now?: "Just" Mark Ronson
How many buddies are on your list: On here I think it's 20..but on stuff like msn it's something like 50:P
What did you do yesterday: Go to school
Hate someone in your family: Yes...but it's for a good reason
Where do you want to get married: Well considering I'm 14 I'm kinda far away from that decission:lol:
If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?: My eye sight
Good Driver: Not old enough to drive yet
Good dancer: Haha..let's just say NOO! :P
Good Singer: Sames as above
Have a lava lamp: Not anymore, my sister broke my last one lol
How many remote controls are in your house: Let's just say a lot:P
What do you dream about: I hardly ever remember my dreams:(
Last time you showered: This morning
The last movie you saw at the theatres: I think it was "The Simpsons Movie"..:shock:Wow, that was a while ago:Plol
Scary or happy movies: Happy..I hate scary films:oops:lol
Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr Pepper
Skiing or Boarding: Skiing (never tried it, but it looks like fun)
Summer or winter: Summer
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Cats or dogs: Dogs
Phone or in person: In person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest
End Time: 19:54
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