if anything, recognition is what this guy deserves. yes it would be sweet if he got hired, but that depends on the quality of the content, not quantity. however, at the very least he should be acknowledged by the company and thanked for all his efforts and interest. after all it's a tool to sell more of their own game. either way mad respect to the kid.
F**K YOU Ubisoft...now who has the last laugh huh? A$$holes!! I can't believe at first they went on about the piracy rate being so high on PCs and then saying this game won't come out on the PC platform at all due to that very reason. Now you're trying to sell it because it's already out in the torrent world?? Please...go f**k yourself! EVERYONE is going to pirate your games from now on. PC, Xbox, PS3, Mobile...every platform, every game!
@topsemag55 Not to mention cross-platform fleet effectiveness as well. That iOS game, ME Infiltrator. I mean really??? We should have been able to get fleet effectiveness ALL through just single player if we chose to do so. MP, and other options, could have very well sped up the process but don't rip us single player people off from having that.
@topsemag55 Agreed. ME2 took in to account how things we did played out very well. ME3 not so much. Forget all that for a second. I just don't get why all the focus on MP. I mean ok it's a new mode that they implemented in the third title in the series but why for the love of God are they focusing on it so much. Ok maybe there isn't much else left? I personally think they should have made the MP a spin-off from the actual games. Like post ME3 or something. I guess they wouldn't get people to buy into that idea. I'm not a happy camper either man, believe me. I mean right up until the end I was loving ME3, then I had my WTF moments. Over and over again. Now it's like, hmmm ok either do something grand or don't put out anything Bioware!
@topsemag55 Not change her dialog. Just add in more options to the dialog tree. She's at the Citadel, why would they need to change her location? A mission or something can take place where her and Shepard (and anyone else for that matter) can go on to retake it. After which she is no longer present in that club yet because of the mission and efforts, it adds to the War Assets and so on. I brought up Liara for a reason. Sure Liara's situation in ME2 was setup better as in they left it open but before her DLC came out, nobody really suspected they would expand on that part of the story.
@Caduceus89 Yeah that would be cool. Some of them just made cameo appearances in ME3. Perhaps they could elaborate more on their stories, further character development, etc.
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