babyjesus87's forum posts
I think the funniest thing about it is how you act like this moderator takes the forum seriously, when it seems you are doing the same thing. Ironic, no?MoonSpoon
i'm not doing the same thing at all. i could really care less about any of this. i think its funny to come and watch as strange threads get created every 5 seconds... girlfriend issues and such.... then people like you try to come in and point out irony... but you fail. stop trying.
i really couldn't care what you think
oh and another thing lots of people on these forums do read books
No they dont', I made a poll a while back. Maybe you do, but don't project your personal habbits onto the other users.
to Berkeley... on a train... in 2 hours.
The moderators are sad little people that need to grow up and get real lives. I believe one of them said he knew some people on here better than he knew some of his friends in real life. That's quite sad.... They're also power tripping... but its the saddest position to power trip from... you are king of an online forum of users, most of who are nerds around the age of 16. Why would anyone voluntarily want the job of moderator? Unless of course they had some other motives... like "power trippin". Plato covers this, and similar topics in his book Republic. You should all go read it. (ESPECIALLY THE MODS)... While I know that most of you don't read books because you find them boring (Your minds have been conditioned to respond to flashing lights and what not because you sit in front of your tv's and computers all day)... this one will not disappoint. Anyways, this will probably either get me banned or a hefty suspension... lol, and quite honestly it doesn't bother me in the least. I just realized that the title can also refer to me leaving the forum, lol, didn't intend for that to happen.
Just my opinion
Seriously. Is there something wrong with me or does anyone else think this whole Harry Potter thing is stupid?DarthSatan
Dude... NOBODY cares. NOBODY. There are PLENTY of other anti harry potter threads on there... and guess what? Nobody cares about those either!
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