1: Make your smileys with the keyboard, not the emoticon box. : + ) = :) and : + evil + : = :evil:
2: Make your own quotes!
No spaces between the [ and ].
Just Put [ + QUOTE + = + "name" + ], no space, text, no space, [ + / + QUOTE + ]
If done right, it should look like this:
Yeah right, noob2!noob1
Finally...3...for the smarter noobz....MULTI-QUOTES!!!!!!!
Imagine putting start quote, text, start quote, text, so on! This is multi-quoting!!! Make sure to put an even number of end quotes.....for instance.... [ + QUOTE + = + "name" + ] + text + THE SAME + [ + / + QUOTE + ] + THE SAME, cause ^(read above)
noob2[QUOTE="noob2"]noob3[QUOTE="noob3"]so on and so forth, then end quotes....noob1