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well, today I woke up at 9:30...very, very late for a christmas. When I woke up, I came to a Nintendo DS, Super Mario 64 DS, A DS Starting Kit (Includes the screen protectors :D), 4 pairs of headphones :lol: , Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (FINALLY!), Medal of Honor: Rising Sun, and an Independant Snow Cap (even though I live in Florida :P. But Im going on vacation tommorow.) BUT WAIT!!! THERES MORE!! *takes deep breath* I went to my Uncle's house only to find a Hot Topic Gift Cerificate, a Spec's Music Gift Certificate, a Gamestop gift certificate, money, Paper Mario 2 (WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!), and finally, Ridge Racer DS. *pants heavily* I don't care what the reviews say, Ridge Racer DS owns. And Im surprised I like it because the only racing game I've ever liked is Mario Kart and Burnout 3: Takedown. The DS owns hardcore! I LOVE it! I can't wait untill the wireless connectivity comes out! Well...I think that's it. Have a merry christmas to all, and I'm off to play Paper Mario 2!!

...the DS scores arent doing so well :''(

this sucks.....i was waiting SOOOOOO LOOOOOOOONG for it...and it cant even get decent scores.....the highest was an 8.4 :| and thats super mario 64...i was expecting higher for super mario 64. that really sucks. the multiplayer isnt even supposed to be that great....that REALLY sucks. well, at least i saw spongebob the movie yesterday! wooooooo hoooooo! twas teh r0Xx0rz! hopefully the other games on the DS get better scores...ill come back in an hour and see how they're doing..

damn..havent used this in a while....

well, since viewtiful joe, i have gotten 3...yes THREE!!! new great games! one of them is burnout 3, yes THE burnout 3, and splinter cell pandora tommorow!! woo hooo! I got burnout 3 for 30 bucks because of the reward zone certificates crap from best buy, and i got pandora tommorow for 20 bucks cuz it was on sale....havent really been able to play any games though..and...the best game of all time.....

METAL GEAR SOLID THE TWIN SNAKES!! damn, this game is awesome! its great stealth..i love the stealth genre now..well, off to play my gizzames..hey, i should post in this crap more often..

The day I got Viewtiful Joe...

Well, I just came back from gamestop and got...(drummeroll please).....Viewtifull Joe!! For the Gamecube! (Shut up you lemmings) I havent been able to play it yet though, Ive been bringing stuff in the house, because, Im sure you have all heard about Hurricane Francees...that sucks, but w/e, I have a 5 day weekend!! woo hoo! Ive been talking to RiGGorMoRtiS alot today, and I think we might go to PC Touch (a PC gaming place).