Hey man, i got the same EXACT problem u have, i just told them i had the 3 red lights just to get the UPS box. i sent mine off a while ago. they have had it for like 5 days i think and i havnt heard anything, but when i do i will tell u asap, gl bro.
badboyforlife23's forum posts
hey guys,
Isent my 360 in for repair. When is broke, i called the support line and they said i wasnt under warrenty. Im like, whooah! wait a sec, what about the red light warrenty. She said since i have only ONE light blinking i will have to pay for it. So i just hung up, cuz i was HELLA pissed. I called back about an hour later saying that i had the 3 red light just to get my UPS box for free at least. She says if you do NOT have the 3 red lights they are going to call me. So what i was wondering, will they fix my xbox or not? It's been there for about 5 days now and i havn't heard anything about it. So if you have ANY info...PLEASE let me know. Oh, and if you've arealdy sent your xbox in for repair, and got it back. How long did it take for you to get back? THANKS GUYS!
GT- badboyforlife23
hey you guys. YES the problem might be with the Hard Drive or the CABLES. BUT if you do re-connect the cables and take off the hard drive and the problem STILL consists then the problem is with your xbox. i sent mine in to the repair center cuz there was nothing else i could do. i did eveything. so send your xbox in even if they say they wont take it cuz itdoesnt have the 3 flashing red light. what do you have to lose right? if you guys get an update plz let me know.
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