True, a Left 4 Dead movie would not be fine cinema. However, it IS great fun to try to cast it. The cast suggestions I have seen on here thus far are lame, and if not lame, then impossible (like Clint would EVER agree to do a game movie...)
So here it is folks...
Francis: Adam Baldwin (Jayne from Firefly)
Bill: Billy Bob Thornton (he could be made to look older, and he can do that grizzled vet voice pretty well)
Zoey: Ellen Page (Juno, Kitty Pryde) She actually LOOKS just like Zoey.
Louis: Mos Def (Will Smith is the likely candidate, but he's too buff, and he has two modes: serious or goofy. I think Mos Def would be able to pull it off better.)
And anything else would be tragic.
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