The story goes that last Wednesday (Remember the 5th of November) I've planned to renew my driver's license as there was only 6 days remaining before its expiry date, so I've visited the department and they asked me to take an eye test before they renew the license for me. That's not a problem since there was an eye tester nearby.
The guy in there was young and in a white coat. I could tell from his face that he didn't like his job, but rather it either seemed like he was working for a piece of paper that starts with the letter "M" or he was asked to work in a day that he wasn't supposed to, but anyways, he took me to that private room where they test your eyes, and god, you won't believe what I saw on that testing screen.....It showed some arrows, not letters!
The arrows were small enough that I could only see dots on that screen, and he said "So tell me, what direction does this arrow point?". I could only see a dot, so I kept guessing, like "Up, down, right....etc". He ended up saying "You need new glasses before renewing your license." I wasn't in the mood to pay for new glasses for the sake of some arrows, so I went to another eye tester who wasn't too far from the department. These guys showed letters on the screen and...I passed the test easily and smoothly! I even got my license renewed without paying for new glasses.
So take my advice, brother/sister, whenever you want to get your eyes tested, avoid the places where they show arrows on the screen, these guys just want to increase the chances for you to pay money for new glasses even if your eyes are in good shape. The boards you see on the roads while driving will NEVER show small arrows, but they do show small letters at times, so eye testers have to test how far you can see small letters, not arrows.