First of all, I would like to wish to everyone who celebrated christmas a wonderful holiday and never forget to visit your family and friends, they need it :)
As for me, well, we don't celebrate christmas in here, but that doesn't mean that I didn't have any fun this month. Besides, this month seemed like one of the most rewarding months to me in the whole year of 2008! Here we go:
First of all, I have received my final exam results last Tuesday (23rd December), thanks to the help of one of my colleagues, I've gotten marks higher than what I've expected. I still remember when I threw myself on the bed the moment that I came back home after the last exam :P
Secondly, last Friday (26th December) me and my bro stopped by the gas station and planned to enter its mart since we were a bit hungry. As I payed for the cashier, I saw the box of this movie on the shelf.....
I haven't watched Batman Begins, nor this one, so I said "Why not get it when it's here?" since I've heard positive reviews from many sources on the movie. We've watched it after we came back home and it was really great! Although I liked the Transformers movie more, but it depends on your taste and interest. Some people prefer the Dark Knight over Transformers.
Lastly, do you see the picture of the electronic potato below? Well, this is, or was my phone.
I had it since August 2004 and I was really happy with it. I don't like changing phones much, I like keeping the phone with me until it starts getting old, when defects start rising from it. This year, however, I felt that my good ol electronic potato has started aging as I was sometimes experiencing problems hearing people during calls. So I thought that it was time for me to get a new one, and this is what I got last week.....
Now I wonder, how long would it take before the N95 starts aging? God knows, but anyways, hope that you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the goodies of the month as much as I did :D