well, looks like two years have passed since i started posting here in GameSpot, and i still feel like if it was yesterday:P i am really happy with what i've done here it is a really fun site... though i've started to get bored lately >_> Anyway i guess this is a good time to make a stats blog :p so here they are my numbers of these 2 years...
- Profile views: 12889 (+ 6 new)
- Friends: 291
- People Tracking Me: 679
- Games in Collection: 61 (though this doesn't count my older games)
- Forum Posts: 47772
- Comments: 1062
- My Blog Posts: 130
- Union Blog Posts: 746
- Written Reviews: 0
- Rated Games: 33
- Videos Uploaded: 0
- Images Uploaded: 9
- Digg Referrals: 23
- Tags: 269
i still really need to write a review and update my images:P Also here are my top 5 important things i have achieved in GS:
5. Reaching level 37 (my favorite one)
4. Hosting two successfull MSC and SSBB tournaments (that was what i wanted to do since i joined:P)
3. Reaching 40k posts
2. Starting and leading one of the best unions in gamespot =D
1. Making lots of good friends:D (really, after all i wouldn't be writing this blog if it wasn't for you:P)
And finally, i just want to announce that my next top 20 list (wii games so far) will be done soon. i also want to do other lists like for different systems, or maybe lists that don't exactly feature games, like top items, stages, etc. i am also planning some blogs with my GS history but not too sure about that...
Thank you everyone for reading this blog, comment if you want